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Aug 13, 2024 1:36:35 PM

Upcoming Webinars


Automated transcript:

For our Future and upcoming webinars our plans so far, one with IMRG and on the 13th of August where Natasha will be sharing some top tips  

we'll just be talking about specific key countries, metrics and data that we've seen and outcomes as a result of localization.

So really just some top tips and deep diving into key markets to really have you top of your game in terms of how you approach those markets. 

Excellent. And on the, and the 27th of August, we'll be joined by the brand Maxwell Scott bags. They will share more about their experience and we've already started to prep on this one.

They've got amazing anecdotes to share. So yeah, mark the date, the date in your calendar, there will be more coming. We'll try to have this like, once a month or more with brands sharing their tips and where you can go and come and ask any questions you have.

There's also one that we did some weeks ago with Yves Salomon, the replay is still available. So if anyone is interesting, just shoot us a quick note and we can show the replay of this other one.