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Aug 13, 2024 1:40:24 PM

Organic SEO


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And obviously your localization is going to build over time in terms of your SEO initial impacts we tend to see within a matter of weeks but it is a journey. And as you'll see there it's what you put into it and what your partner puts into it and something we really work towards with our brands to make sure you're sitting in that yellow region with your keywords.

Yeah, and Gareth had actually a question about SEO. And and so obviously, yes, we do we do translate product title description, but also the meta description. So all what we do is not only translation, but it's optimized for SEO. And on top of that, we can also help with native speakers looking at okay, what are the keywords that need to be positioned on for a given country in a given language to ensure that you can have similar results at what you see here. So seeing your Brand starting to rank on the top