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Oct 9, 2024 11:01:40 PM

Brand Segments


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 And they are the most qualified and the easier to convert again. If we zoom out, you have your consideration audience. This is the audience composed of prospects that are considering purchasing  products from your brand, but that haven't done so yet. Then if we, if we zoom out again, you have the brand aware audience.

This is an audience composed of people who have heard of your brands, but who are not currently considering buying any product on your brand yet. And finally, the less qualified audience is the unaware audience. This is the audience that is totally unaware of your brand and your product's existence.

They have never heard about you or your product.  So this is basically similar to a funnel because you have a top of the funnel, middle of the funnel, and bottom of the funnel.  The thing is, A prospect will have to move stage by stage from the top of the funnel, so TOFU, to bottom of the funnel, BOFU. They have to become aware and they have to be aware previous to start to consider buying from your brand.

And they have to be considering buying to your brand or from your brand before to convert.  So  the composition of this target audience is unique to every brand. And you have to understand this point because this is really important for what comes next. If we take the example of a new brand that just launched, the red circle represents the converted audience.

It is really small because it will Must probably be, uh, the love money. So your very close friend, your family and your closest relatives that who buy product to encourage the founder and to help him or her kickstart his or her new company. Then you have a smaller ring, the yellow one, which is a consideration agent.

Those are people that are thinking of buying products from this person. It could be friends. Okay. I want to help him. I will probably buy a product this month or next month. Then you have the blue one, which.