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Oct 9, 2024 11:01:52 PM

Audience Segments


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Fantastic product lineup and a rapidly growing customer base. They were nailing it domestically, launching high impact campaigns, delivering sharp messaging and enjoying an excellent product market fit.  Their return on ad spend, that I will abbreviate as ROAS, uh, during, uh, this, this session was steady and they were on track for continuous growth. 

But then, they hit a wall.  Suddenly, their growth started to decline. No matter how much they invested in advertising, the returns just weren't there.  Their once successful campaigns began to fall flat, and even their best promotion around key shopping events, like Black Friday, lost their magic. They were baffled.

They tried new tactics, new campaigns, but nothing seemed to work. It was like driving straight into a dead end.  They were stuck and frustrated, feeling as if they had exhausted every option until we look beyond their domestic market.  So in this webinar, I'm about to share the breakthrough that turns things around and sets them back.

on the path to growth. You will learn our powerful actionable insights that you can apply to your own marketing strategy right away, just like two of Glopal's clients whose cases we will explore later in this webinar.  However, to understand how we overcome these challenges, we first need to explore audience segments, their qualification stages, and their size limitation.

Every merchant has a target audience. This target audience is composed of every potential buyer, from people totally unaware of your brand existence  to people who have already bought your brand's product.  But this target audience is composed of various segments and each segment has a different qualification.

So the most qualified segment is your converted audience.  This is the audience that has already purchased product from your brand. So they already know you, they are already convinced customer and they.