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Thousand, Bike Helmets, Worldwide, Glopal Global Ecommerce 3
Daniel PorterJul 30, 2020 10:52:00 AM2 min read

Google introduces a 0% commission fee for selling on Google Shopping

At the end of April, Google announced news to help global ecommerce growth by implementing a series of changes to their shopping platforms. A couple of months ago Google removed listing fees, enabling merchants to list their products on Google Shopping across the US market for free.

This week, Google took another important step to reduce the cost of ecommerce for merchants selling on their shopping platforms. Google will no longer charge commission fees for all merchants who sell through Shopping. 

What does this mean for Merchants?

Selling on Google Shopping is becoming easier with the changes Google has made already, as well as a surge in international buyer demand since the pandemic. Additionally the new changes will now help to make it a lot more affordable selling on the Google shopping platform for merchants.

These changes are about providing all businesses - from small stores to national chains and online marketplaces - the best place to connect with customers, regardless of where a purchase eventually occurs. With more products and stores available for discovery and the option to buy directly on Google or on a retailer's site, shoppers will have more access across the board.

Bill Ready, President of commerce, Google

Additionally, the platform is now open to third-party providers (starting with PayPal and Shopify), giving merchants more choice.

This new model will allow you to use your own payment provider, manage your customer service, and manage more of your processes. Like with their previous implementations, this will be initially rolled out in the US, with international launches set later this year. 

How do I get started?

If you’re a US merchant you will be invited to get started over the next few weeks.

If you’re a UK merchant, you can still be able to qualify for the 0% commission and free US product listings, but your product feeds need to be created for the US market and then localised. Glopal can help you launch on the US market and qualify for these initiatives.

As a premium business partner of Google, Glopal enables merchants across Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce platforms, to scale their international sales through Google Shopping. Glopal’s pricing model is simple and easy-to-understand. We do have a “Free forever” plan that enables full access to our Google Shopping solution as well as a “Pro” plan with custom features for advanced merchants.

ebookimage1Download the “How to benefit from free visibility on Google Shopping” ebook and start growing your international sales with free global traffic.

Download free ebook

We can help UK merchants to launch the US market:

  • The solution localises the product feeds into $USD currency, providing buyers with the same local experience they’d expect.
  • Our payment solution allows accepting $USD payment for north american buyers via credit cards, Paypal.
  • Glopal’s international shipping creates a seamless and simple process, enabling merchants to ship their products overseas at a cost effective rate.
  • Learn how to launch in the US

We can help US merchants start exporting to Europe and Asia:

To understand how you can take full advantage of this change and grow your international sales on Google Shopping, get in touch with one of our ecommerce experts.


Daniel Porter

Daniel is an international ecommerce expert at Glopal.