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Aug 6, 2024 12:39:16 PM

Translation Quality at Glopal


Automated transcript:

So AI, we said AI is around 90. definitely a good AI is around 90 and the question was AI, good enough or ready for this? The answer is yes. So long as you, do a few things with the AI and that's what we do for you at glopal first. We coach the AI.

What does that mean? It means that we were speaking earlier about, MQM and, having the right, conveying the right message in motion, et cetera. We do that through getting, or coaching the AI with a brand's tons of voice, with their glossary, what words shouldn't be translated, et cetera.

So we coach the AI.  We control the results and we control the results with light revisions done by humans. So we ensure that, you know, the display's okay. The menu, the cart, everything there, is, with a good level of quality. And when we do that, we can ensure that on all main languages, we're at 90 or both.

if you don't do that, AI only, you'll get closer to what you have with Google Translate. Slightly better, but not so good here. And that's where, we come into play. On top of that, we all can also do proofreading, and we do with some luxury brands that they want the human translation quality.

Fine. And we can absolutely do that. So leveraging both AI and human proofreading on top of that, which ensures, the right level of quality, best of both worlds, great quality, but also something that is scalable and affordable in terms of budget reaching in the end MQN between 90 and 98.