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Sep 3, 2024 1:13:39 AM

SEO results over 12 to 18 months


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From an SEO perspective then it was probably around a 12 to 18 month where we've really started to see it kicking. So you can see here we launched in October 2022. That first few months was the focus on paid. We had got some little bits of SEO going off in the background, Glopal, Also released some, updates over time.

I think it was the HRF Lang tags. I noticed improvements to the meta titles. and we've really seen that take off the back end of 2023 and the start of this year.  this, this instance is Portugal. Portugal would never on my radar really in terms of, a country that we would, 

Really marketing to I don't think we have any paid advertisements running in portugal at this time japan, a country that I mentioned earlier we saw Similar levels in growth. in fact higher than this in terms of the actual organic traffic coming into our site