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Aug 6, 2024 8:14:35 AM

Percentage of non English speakers


Automated transcript:

I think what's interesting and that really opened my eyes, Julian, when I joined the business, at Glopal and was looking at localization was I assumed, like I said earlier, and I think many of us are guilty of just assuming everyone speaks English, but there's some surprising numbers in terms of non English speakers, and then when you start to think through that, You know, how much of my audience am I addressing that don't speak English?

So we've done a little quiz here. and we wondered if you would be kind enough to add in the chat  what would you guess, or what would you know to be the market with the highest percentage of non English speakers when we look at these top  econ markets here today. no prizes but we promised to share the numbers in the next slide in terms of the percentages.

So if anyone's got any guesses as to, or maybe more less guests, more Intel, and having known from experience, which country is the highest percentage. if we got South Korea from Kate, any other guests from the room? Okay. so if we jump onto the next slide, you'll see it's very surprising.

Kate, very close. actually Mexico. if I'm looking at the numbers 87 percent of Mexico on average. Don't, speak English. One of the biggest markets, globally in terms of e com. If you think you're serving up your site in English, you're missing 87 percent of the market, likewise for Korea, looking at 82, Japan, 72 percent Italy, 67 percent of your shopper audience. Don't speak English.