Glopal Clips

Translation Quality MQM Explained

Written by Fitch Richardson | Aug 6, 2024 11:29:04 AM


Automated transcript:

How do we measure the quality and, we're working with famous brands, luxury brands, et cetera. So we're very, strong and very careful on that topic. But then let's do just a little background here and some definitions. So, I don't know if you guys have ever heard about, MQM, because when you start looking at translation, the first question we had is, okay, how do we measure Translation quality.

And so there's a scale that exists. That is the MQM, MQM stands for multidimensional quality measurement. What does that mean? Multidimensional? It's not just translation quality is not just is that grammatically correct? Is the vocabulary right? Do you avoid any misspelling?

 It goes farther than that. The message that you want to share with your audience is that shared properly? Are you conveying the right emotions? Like if, you've got a poetic text, in a language when you translate it in the other one, is it still poetic?

there's a lot of different dimension, which means that it's not a, black, white, it's much more complex than that. And I've got a question for the audience actually. so you see there's a scale and maybe I should, Define that there's a scale. MQM is a scale from zero to a hundred.

So, on this scale, I'm sure you've all used, at some point, Google Translate, how would you rate Google Translate quality, from zero to a hundred? Interesting question, this one.  So we've got 60 percent with James, any other ideas?

It's not so far from the 60%. Google Translate usually writes at 70%. So 70%. Yeah. Matthew 45. I frequently ask this question to merchants and we see the range is pretty wide usually, depending on, what experience you had, what language it was.

So there's some dimensions that impact this level, but anyway, we're at 70. So what does that mean? Hey, 70, it's not. Totally cheap, but it's not a what we would consider a good level of translation. And so the next question maybe is that, okay, what is the other option? Like the obvious one, the traditional one.

Let's go with a translation agency. I got the same question for the audience here. how would you rate from zero to a hundred, the quality of, translation  done by a human translator?

Anyone brave enough to share their thoughts?

Good guess, James. you were close with Google Translate and close with, with this one and actually more than close. I mean, that's, with a human translator, what we usually see is, between 93 and 98. What does that mean? First, it's not perfect. It's not a hundred, but it's, of course, excellent here.

second thing also, it's a range, why range? Because it's a human thing. So, a human translator, there are very good ones. There are good ones. So there's different level of human translator and even a very good one. May change over time if you're going through a translation agency or it's a human.

So it can be up today and doing great job and tomorrow is done, for any reason. And then the human translation is a bit lower or it's not the exact same level everywhere. So that's also one of the challenges that you have. And so, we talked about Google Translate. We talk about human translation.

Then the next thing is, okay, what about AI and what we have with AI? So AI, you can have a 90 percent here, which is, what we see with, what we'll define as a good AI. And I will explain what we call a good AI here. you can be at 90. some will say that 90, well, it's below human translation in this case, that can be true, right?

but something that is super important that we've noticed, with a lot of merchants we've been working with, and, running different, tests and different level of quality, et cetera. all the impacts we mentioned before, you're getting The huge majority of this impact when you reach this 90 everything above when you move from 90 percent quality to 93 94 95 etc.

It's mostly for your brand equity. That's okay. Probably a better image if it's important for your brand, but aside from that, the economic impact, the sales performance impact is close to zero when you additional quality. if you were at school and you did a test and you got 90 out of 100, there would be a few errors, perhaps if it was an English test, omissions, a comma, maybe something not been quite right.

But 90, 92, 93 out of 100 is, would be a pretty good result, you know, if you were running an exam or a test. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. I'd be happy if my kids get only, you know, 90 out of 100 when it comes to school grades.