Glopal Clips

South Korea non English Speakers

Written by Fitch Richardson | Aug 6, 2024 11:21:18 AM


Automated transcript:

We've got South Korea as well. Obviously we were talking about the numbers earlier again, about non English speakers. It's going to be the word that keeps coming up through the session. But again, huge percentage. and then again, that cost per click showing that that lower cost and then the ongoing growth that they seen as a market.

I mean, again, it's one of the biggest markets in the far East, but if you're serving up your site in English marketing, you don't have optimized SEO. There's an 82 percent delta there in terms of shoppers that are just simply being missed and could really be, money sitting on the table for brands and retailers with just a thought more towards how can you localize that shopper experience.