Glopal Clips

International Buyers Search In Their Own Language

Written by Fitch Richardson | Aug 6, 2024 11:08:25 AM


Automated transcript:

Something that is super important to bear in mind is that it doesn't matter how proficient you are in English, how fluent you are in English when it comes to buying, you search in your own language. if I'm looking for, a green pant. I will search for a pantalon vert in French. And so that's just the reality. And this is something that is verified across the globe in all the different geographies, no matter what is your mother tongue. Is that, you know, Korean, French, Japanese, Spanish, or is that Swedish?

And, we know that Swedes speak very well English. Anyway, when it comes to buying, they search in their own language. So that's just a reality. When you don't speak your buyer's language, you're just missing this